Newest Information on the Domestic Violence Program Services

June 6, 2020

As of June 15, 2020,  all domestic violence staff in all 5 of our offices (Decatur, Sullivan, Shelbyville, Clinton and Monticello) are back in the office full time.  We continue to practice social distancing and all who enter our buildings are required to wear a mask.  Temperatures are taken at the door and a symptom screening is completed by all.


These last 3 months of being on lockdown have given victims of domestic violence fewer choices, less resources available for support and have left them in an escalating cycle of abuse, filled with tension, power and control, putting them at an increased safety risk for themselves and their children.  Being stuck in their home with their perpetrator leaves them much less opportunity to call the police or reach out for help.  One of an abuser’s key tactics of abuse is the use of isolation.   During this pandemic, the isolation victims have experienced has made things even more challenging than during “normal times”.


Likewise, with child care centers and schools shut down, as well as community organizations and churches, fewer workers have been available that normally would be able to conduct home visits, to do regular monitoring of children who are in need or possibly experiencing child abuse.  Teachers, coaches and school social workers, all of whom are mandated reporters, have not had any in-person interactions with children since all have been working remotely. 


As we all begin to work together in our community, we will be learning the steps as we move forward to what our new “normal” will look like.  Safety is key.


If you know anyone who is in need of safety due to domestic violence, and/or is wanting to meet individually with staff to learn about their options, how to develop their own personalized safety plan, is needing an Order of Protection, or would like to learn more about our services, please call one of the following 24-hour hotlines:


Macon County – 217.423.2238

DeWitt County – 217.935.6072

Moultrie County – 217.728.9334

Shelby County – 217.774.4888

Piatt County – 217.762.2122