City of Decatur and Dove Letter to area Landlord/Investors

July 7, 2021

July 7, 2021


Dear Landlord/Investor:


Since the start of the pandemic, the City of Decatur’s Economic and Community Development Department has been the recipient and administrator of relief funds that have come directly from the Federal and State government. Many of these funds have had different grant compliance requirements, which has limited the use of the funds, but we are hopeful as we near the end of the eviction moratorium, these funds will be used to provide the relief needed for our community.

We have heard from many of you about tenants/homeowners inability to pay their rents and mortgages over the last 18 months and the financial difficulties this has caused.

The City of Decatur would like to invite you to join us in a dialogue and solution to the challenge of an increased number of homelessness if we do not act now. We will host a rental/mortgage/utility assistance resource meeting on Thursday, July 15, 2021 at the Decatur Civic Center Theater, 2nd floor, #1 Gary K. Anderson Plaza. The meeting will be held at 9:00 am and 5:30 pm to ensure that you or a representative from your business can attend.

There will be several agencies and non-profit organizations present to explain the programs and resources available, including the eligibility requirements. Currently, there are funds available for landlords, tenants and mortgagees, if eligible.

Please help us by being part of the solution so that we can continue building a better and stronger community together.

If you have additional questions, you may contact me @ 217-424-2864 or  or Darsonya Switzer at 217-362-7700 or




Richelle L. Dunbar, Assistant Director

Economic & Community Development